Welcome problem-solvers! We’re so happy you’re able to join us for Gen Con Online.
Let’s get you into the game! Here’s how:
Step 1: Jump on your desktop or laptop and fire up your web browser. Firefox or Chrome are recommended.
Step 2: Join our Discord server here. (Install Discord here if you haven’t already. You’ll need the application to play, as the web browser version doesn’t support video.) We’ll meet in the #gencon2020 channel.
Step 3: Test out your microphone and (hopefully) webcam in one of the Gameplay Voice Rooms.
Step 4: Join the Gameplay Voice Room specified by designer Zach Reyburn and click on the Screentop link for your play session, both of which will be posted about 30 minutes ahead of the scheduled start.
Step 5: Open the Gen Con website in a tab in your browser, and click on your name in the upper-right corner (after you are logged-in). In the My Schedule section, click on this event. Finally, click on the “Give Ticket to Event Host” button.
Step 6: Zach will walk you through the rules and how to play the digital implementation, and verify everyone’s chat and video are working. Please remember that we’re expecting about 15-30 minutes of tech wrangling to get everyone ready to play, and 30-60 minutes of gameplay.
Step 7: Don’t forget to fill out the form after you play for a chance to win a copy of the game, and claim your opportunity to inspire the design of a card in a future expansion! The link will be posted back in the #gencon2020 channel.
Step 8: If you’re so inclined, you can join in on the fun of collaborative development for So Many Problems and our other game lines, like Just Add Dice, over on the TableTopolis forums.
We are part of a community of creation.
Our forums and chat channels are hosted on TableTopolis, a creative gaming community.
For all those who want to create games with others, can contribute ideas or feedback, have skills that will help, or just want to watch:
Welcome Home
How to Begin
First, join our community.
Then, connect with us everywhere.
Sign up for TableTopolis, and head over to the Join In Games studio category.
We recommend connecting your Patreon account for future convenience.
Scope out our Twitch channel, and make sure to follow us.
Turn on notifications to make sure you don’t miss anything!
Our channels on the TableTopolis Discord are where we gather to playtest.
You’ll also find lots of discussions about games and creativity.